ABOUT 1010:
Genre: Drama Plot: Sandy (played by Lorraine Toweel), is a thirty-something therapist who has a relatively happy existence until a violent tragedy sends her seeking for supernatural answers while her life is under continual threat... Who is in it? The majority of the cast includes professionally trained actors from the Sydney Metro area and Sydney's suburbs, along with Nicole Lynch, a wonderful photographer with a film school background. Recommended Audience? Not yet rated, it contains some violence. Not for young children. Completion date? October 2014 is the projected completition date - so long as everything stays on schedule! How is Christianity represented? The focus is on finding Jesus through personal revelation rather than confession. A note for the critics: The above video clip is a teaser - a tiny slice from one part of the film. It is not a trailer to explain the story. The voices of the policemen are deliberately muffled so the audience identifies more closely with how the protagonist is feeling - not really listening as she re-lives the events that have led up to this point. What film will you make after 1010? A family film/comedy by a multi award-winning Christian playwright from Jamaica in the West Indies. It was written for a teenager at the Campbelltown Performing Arts school in Sydney's Western Suburbs. The young actor has already appeared in a show on Foxtel and is seriously interested in a career as an actor. |